February 25, 2010

Mr. Rogers

I'm sitting in a local, quaint coffee shop. An old Model-T car passed by (I'm reminded of my fifth graders), a little boy is chattering behind me, and mellow music plays as HGTV is on the television in the corner. Life? Amusing.

One of my fabulous friends gave me an idea. I'm convinced that without help, no circus can get on the road! Anyway... that's another story.... She said, I should photograph in themes. I'm doing just that.

This blog is dedicated to "all in the hood" haha. Okay, or like Mr. Rogers would probably say "a beautiful neighborhood" of sorts. I drove home and took a tour of the neighborhood. It was a lovely tour.. with the window rolled down as a felt like a weird-obsessed with taking pictures out my window person! I got some looks. Almost hit a cat. Afraid of someone calling the police on me with the story of:

"There is this weird woman in front of my house. She has a camera and is taking pictures of these kids on their bikes....... Her license plate number is...."

Yeah, I was paranoid in that moment. Is this illegal? Doubt it.

Please don't think I'm a stalker!!! :)

Nail Polish and Swishy Dresses...

I've been teaching in a pre-kindergarten class this week. Quite entertaining. I mean, everyting from one child not making it to the bathroom,  so she used it on herself, the chair, and the carpet. When one child asks to go to the bathroom, EVERYONE wants to go to the bathroom. They all want hugs, love, and affirmation. They say the WEIRDEST, most honest things. I love honest people. That's why I love children. No guessing... it's out there in the open.

"Why did you hit her, Tommy?"
"She was in my way, and I wanted to get by."
*Well, who can argue with that??*

However, some of the best things are working WITH people too. In my "dream job" I want someone to work closely with. My co-worker today told the kids (in a lesson about not picking their noses) that they need not to "explore that area with their fingers all the time."

I wanted to laugh.

She kept a straight face. She's good at her job.

Well, all of that is COMPLETELY off topic!!!!! On to the blog....

I went to a wedding last weekend... or, was IN a wedding last weekend. I didn't get to take a lot of pictures at all, but snapped a few for you to see. My favorites? The small details.

There was the CUTEST little flower girl. She loved it when anyone would take her picture, and just smiled ear-to-ear. Adorable :) I loved her spinning in one that you will see.

My favorite picture of all of these, I must admit, is the last! It was a "fail" in every sense, but it would've been so cute! My best friends and I were trying to take a picture with the mirror- this is the first try :) HA! We are soooo goofy, and I love it.

Happy Thursday, all :)

February 22, 2010


I love BARNS.

I love BUSES.

Why? I have no idea.

I also love cows, but that does not belong in this post because it would go against the alliteration theme I have going on here, and I don't wish to mess up the "flow of things" in today's hectic world. HA.

Tonight I sit in a coffee shop in the littliest town I've ever lived in. I'm thankful. For where I am, what I have, and where I am going. I'm also thankful for where I have been and what I have worked for to get to where I am today. The people who have influenced me and help mold me into who I am. I'm blessed by those. I had a mellow day at work and life in general, and tonight it has been good to just sit- think- vent- write- and look at things that I love: photography. The beauty in its moments can heal. Weird, but cool. I think that's why God made things beautiful. They resemble Him, in a very SMALL but significant way.

Well, here's to the thoughtful, side of a mellow Monday. Wishing you a great week, and hope you enjoy some random barns and buses this evening :)

February 17, 2010


Some of the BEST memories in college were those when we took off on random Saturdays and went shopping: whether it be a flea market, a yard sale, or the Mall of Georgia. Oh, the money you can spend (that is, if anyone has it)!

This past weekend, a one-of-a-kind shopping buddy modeled in a dressing room for this photo shoot. We grabbed scarves, belts, and purses for accessories and had some fun. It was a blast! Especially when we realized the other women were probably listening in on our conversations, so we decided to keep the "photo shoot lingo" on the DL. :)

Many thanks, Jeanne :) You did a GREAT job. And, you're simply beautiful...

She's a great hand and leg model, don't you think?!??!! :)

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